Andover Tyre & Auto Services Ltd Unit 1& Unit 12, Crown Way, Andover, SP10 5LU 01264 333 500
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Services offered by Andover Tyre & Auto Services Ltd

2 Wheel Alignment

The simple act of banging a kerb or hitting a pothole can skew your wheel alignment. Poorly aligned wheels result in irregular and accelerated tyre wear and can affect the handling and safety of your vehicle.

Let us give you peace of mind and ensure you get the maximum wear from your new tyres by ensuring the wheels are correctly aligned.

4 Wheel Alignment

The simple act of banging a kerb or hitting a pothole can skew your wheel alignment. Poorly aligned wheels result in irregular and accelerated tyre wear and can affect the handling and safety of your vehicle.

Let us give you peace of mind and ensure you get the maximum wear from your new tyres by ensuring the wheels are correctly aligned.

Air Conditioning Recharge

Manufacturers recommend that your vehicle’s air conditioning should be recharged with gas and lubricant every 2 years to keep it running effectively and efficiently.  This service isn’t usually part of your annual vehicle service so if your vehicle is over 2 years old then a recharge is probably due.  R134 Gas, R1234 priced per gram used. Please call our team on 01264 333 500 for a quote.

Battery Check

Get peace of mind with a Free Battery Check

Brake Inspection

We thoroughly inspect all areas of your braking system to detect any problems, big or small. This ensures that the safety of your vehicle is not compromised and the quality of your ride is the best it can be.


Bulb Replacement

Do you need bulbs replacing, get a quote by adding this to the basket

Diagnostics Check

A warning light on your dashboard can be a worry. With a diagnostics check the issue can be quickly identified and stop a huge expense later down the line

Hybrid Car Servicing

To ensure the smooth running of your vehicle it should be serviced once a year. A full service includes series of maintenance checks including an oil change. Any issues due to wear and tear will also be noted should any further work be required.

Hybrid Car Servicing includes a few additional checks to electrical components

Locking Wheel Nut Removal

A locking wheel nut key is required to remove the alloy wheels from you vehicle. If this has been lost or your vehicle wan't supplied with one, this will result in a tyre change taking longer to complete.



The MOT is your annual test. The test is compulsory on all vehicles over 3 years old. You can renew your MOT up to a month before it expires so why not let us do it while your car is with us? The price shown is for a Class 4 MOT applicable to cars and small vans with up to 8 passenger seats. We also can carry out Class 5 mini bus up to 16 seats,  Class 7 upto 3500Kg vehicles & camper vans upto 4500kg subject to size.  PLEASE RING TO ARRANGE APPOINTMENT 01264 333500


To ensure the smooth running of your vehicle it should be serviced once a year. A full service includes series of maintenance checks including an oil change. Any issues due to wear and tear will also be noted should any further work be required.

Steering Check

Check your car is steering properly with the steering check service, highlighting any stability or issues with the vehicle pulling to either side.

Tyre Repair

Driving over a foreign object can result in a reduction in tyre pressure and eventually a completely flat tyre. Depending on the damage some tyres can be repaired. **This excludes run flat tyres**


Tyre Safety Check

The Tyre Check service inspects the condition of your tyres including wear and any damage sustained.

Vehicle Health Check

Ensure that yourself and your car are safe on the road by bringing your vehicle in for a health check. We thoroughly examine various areas of your vehicle including tyre pressure and oil checks amongst others and highlight any causes for concern to put your mind at ease.

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